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Dandelion Tincture

Dandelion Tincture


Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) strengthens and activates the liver - moving iron stores throughout the body to promote optimal healing, and stimulates bile production to break down cholesterol and fat effectively. Just as the dandelion is the harbinger of springtime - dandelion deeply cleans and awakens the body after a slow winter. 


Dandelion is an excellent digestive aid with it's rich supply of bitter compounds and can help to relieve nausea in pregnancy, and futhermore can prevent itching of the skin, gallstones, indigestion, fatigue and toxemia. 


Dandelion is a natural diuretic to help move fluid though the body and support the kidneys and bladder. Unlike synthetic diuretics, it  nourishes rather than depletes - an excellent source of potassium, iron, calcium as well as trace minerals and other vital vitamins. 


This tincture is made with roots and leaves.


Dandelion is safe in pregnancy*

Plant medicines do not heal over night and should be taken regularly for best results. Consult with your care provider, holistic practitioner or an experienced herbalist. Please be the sole authority in your healing journey. Do proper research, listen to your intuition. I am not a medical doctor and none of the information above has been evaluated or approved by the FDA. This product is not intended to cure. 


*Available in 1oz bottle


    Returns & exchanges not accepted but please contact me if you have problems with your order. 

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