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Elderberry Elixir

Elderberry Elixir


In Europe, the Elder tree is the "protector of the garden" and an honorary member of the landscape. She is a supreme healer, offering some of the most potent medicine Mother Earth can give. In Old World healing traditions of the North, Elder berry and flower will most definitely be highly and reverently regarded. 


Studies have shown that her antiviral properties reign more effective than any other contemporary flu and virus medications. Elderberry contains bioavailable vitamin A, vitamin C and iron to really support the body's immune system in fighting colds, coughs, viruses and respiratory infections. 


It was a magical, late summer moment the day my path crossed an Elder tree here in my home of upstate New York. I made offerings and sang praises to this sacred shrub of the forest. I was permitted to harvest her berry to make medicine for the people. It has been an honor to craft this superb elixir and offer it to you. 


This elixir is made of fresh elder berry, local raw honey and grain alcohol, offered in 2oz dropper bottles.



Please be the sole authority in your healing journey. Use caution in pregnancy. Do proper research, listen to your intuition.Plant medicines do not heal over night and should be taken regularly for best results. Consult with your care provider, holistic practitioner or an experienced herbalist. I am not a medical doctor and none of the information above has been evaluated or approved by the FDA. This product is not intended to cure. 



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