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Lemonbalm Tincture

Lemonbalm Tincture


Lemonbalm (Melissa officinalis) is a must have in every medicine cabinet. She is an excellent ally for anxiety, depression, high stress, irritability and all other nervous disorders.


A mild sedative, she calms the mind and body in those who suffer with insomnia caused by grief or sadness.


Lemonbalm's high concentration of volatile oils calms, both, the nervous system and the digestive system, soothing digestive upset with it's antispasmodic properties. Lemonbalm has strong antiviral actions. 


Considered the "elixir of life' by Paracelsus. 


Lemonbalm is safe in pregnancy*

Plant medicines do not heal over night and should be taken regularly for best results. Consult with your care provider, holistic practitioner or an experienced herbalist. Please be the sole authority in your healing journey. Do proper research, listen to your intuition. I am not a medical doctor and none of the information above has been evaluated or approved by the FDA. This product is not intended to cure. 


*Available in 1oz bottle


    Returns & exchanges not accepted but please contact me if you have problems with your order. 

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