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Wild Carrot Seed Tincture

Wild Carrot Seed Tincture


The seeds of Wild Carrot (Daucus carota) have traditionally been used as a form of herbal birth control. Chewing the seeds directly is the most potent form, however a tincture can be used if used persistantly with focus and intention. 


Ingesting the seed of Wild Carrot, also known as Queen Anne's Lace is believed to block a fertilized egg from attaching itself to the uterus. This tincture should be taken daily 5 days up to ovulation and 2-3 days after. For most accurate results, use along side other preventives such as condemns or the fertility awareness method. 


Wild Carrot Seed can alternatively promote fertility if used at different times than ovulation, and so timing and intention is everything when it comes to using this as herbal birth control. 


I gather and prepare this tincture with the purest intentions of her working in the ways you truly desire. Women should have alternative, non hormonal birth control options available.


*Available in 1oz bottle


Please be the sole authority in your healing journey. Use caution in pregnancy. Do proper research, listen to your intuition.Plant medicines do not heal over night and should be taken regularly for best results. Consult with your care provider, holistic practitioner or an experienced herbalist. I am not a medical doctor and none of the information above has been evaluated or approved by the FDA. This product is not intended to cure. 


    Returns & exchanges not accepted but please contact me if you have problems with your order. 

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