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Yarrow Tincture

Yarrow Tincture


First and foremost, Yarrow works it's magic to stop bleeding. Yarrow is famous for it's well known ability to heal wounds. A drop or two on a cut or open wound will facilitate speed healing and a must have in any wild woman or mother's medicine cabinet.


Yarrow is the bringer of balance. Yarrow has the ability to enter the body, assess the current situation and help to bring about equilibrium. This is true in fever and fighting illness, Yarrow can either help to bring on a fever or help to reduce one.  Yarrow works the same way with the menstural cycle, bringing balance to an irregular flow and assisting women who experience amenorrhea (no menstruation) to menorrhagia (heavy menstruation)  


*Not recommended in pregnancy*


Please be the sole authority in your healing journey. Do proper research, listen to your intuition. Plant medicines do not heal over night and should be taken regularly for best results. Consult with your care provider, holistic practitioner or an experienced herbalist. I am not a medical doctor and none of the information above has been evaluated or approved by the FDA. This product is not intended to cure. 


    Returns & exchanges not accepted but please contact me if you have problems with your order. 

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